What is Team Automatons?     Team Automatons is the robotics R&D team of PCCOE. The team consists of students from all engineering branches from all years.
We participate in Asia's biggest robotics competition, ABU Robocon.
How can I become a member of Team Automatons?     If you wish to join Team Automatons, please fill out this form.
Can first year students become part of Team Automatons?     Yes, We will be glad to have first year students in the team.
What is the role of Mechanical engineer in Team?     Before robots start functioning, they have to be created! Mechanical Engineers get to take the credit for designing the robots to do what they are programmed for. They design the robot’s structure and joint mechanisms, analysize and simulate them, manufacture them with advance manufacturing techniques. Apart from these domains they also do research in some advance manufacturing tehcniques.
What is the role of Electronics engineer in Team?     As an Electronics enginner, You will be interfacing electronics to the brain (controller) of robot, and will be analyzing on how the brain is going to talk to those electronics. You will do research upon what kind of motors and feedback systems are going to be needed and how they will be manipulated by the robot as a whole. You will be designing and developing required circuits and PCB boards.
What is the role of Computer/ IT engineer in Team?     As an Computer enginner, You will be programming for the electronics of the robot, and will be Testing and analyzing the robots. You will do research upon the feedback systems of the robot and how they can be used by the robot as a whole.
What kind of questions will be asked in Aptitude Test? How should we prepare for it?     The technical questions will be from the subjects like Physics and Maths that were taught in XIth & XIIth. Also there will be some logical and behavioural questions. To name few topics for test, you will have questions from but not limited to topics like Measurements, Trigonometry, Probability, Vectors, Forces, Friction, Electrostatics, Circular motion, Rotational motion, Semiconductors, etc.
What kind of questions will be asked in Interviews?     You can expect questions on topics listed for aptitude test. Apart from that you can expect behavioural questions and some logical quizzes.
Can students from civil branch join the team?     Yes, students from civil branch also can join the team.
When the test and interviews will be scheduled? What will be the platform?     The details about the time and platform will be conveyed to you once the things are finalized. Keep looking for updates on our Instagram page.